What can open-source designs, collaborative research, and new manufacturing techniques unlock in the near future?
The Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) is a diverse, global community working to enhance the sharing of open, scientific technologies.
The Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap report compiled by over 100 researchers, engineers, educators, entrepreneurs, and community organizers from 30 countries describes steps for providing global access to scientific hardware by 2025 through open-source designs, collaborative research, and new manufacturing techniques.
I collaborated with GOSH to design print and digital versions of the publication. Illustrations and data visualizations were created to accompany the document.
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Shannon Dosemagen, Luis Felipe and Jenny Molloy from Gathering for Open Hardware.
December 2017
To learn more, flip through the document below or visit the Gathering for Open Science Hardware website
Photographs of the Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap by Jeffrey Warren